We are thrilled to announce a momentous achievement that underscores our unwavering commitment to excellence and quality assurance. We are very proud to share the news of our company's successful renewal related to our ISO certification.

Renewing our ISO certification

This year we all met in Tunis for our annual meeting ! The program included a relaxing setting, workshops, and touching festivities for our 10th anniversary !

This week was above all a unique opportunity to meet and share our

We are proud to announce the creation of our training center ELSIE Academy ! Stay tuned to hear more about our trainings schedule and content :  academy@elsiegroup.com

ELSIE, a customer-centered service culture, without compromising health and safety

ELSIE crossed the 10 years of services milestone… We hope to live much more !

#Expertise, #Openess, #Professionalism, #Respect, #Humility

ELSIE was proud to share its site service experience in protection testing optimization during the OMICRON European Protection Symposium !

Thanks Omicron for your trust ! Special thanks to Thierry Canaguierfor sharing live our expertise !

ELSIE, a customer-centered service

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Wait no longer, come and join a group of experts from the world of electrical power transmission and distribution !

Head office

Chemin du Vernay, 14A

Tel. + 41 22 960 58 75
Mail. contact@elsiegroup.com