Oups… We planned to thank you for our 1000th follower… but we already reached 1166th !! We promise that won’t missed our 2000th ! Thanks all for your interest. Posting soon more news !

ELSIE, a customer-centered service culture, without

Our annual meeting is also an opportunity to improve our health and safety skills  ! #Crisis24 and their top trainer teached us how to safely
prepare and manage international travel risks : terrorism, kidnapping, natural disaster, geopolitical tensions, crowd movements,

During the annual meeting near Geneva our ELSIE team followed a technical workshop heading towards a promising future !
Thanks to Air Liquide Electronics Systems and their top trainer Frederic LORAY we got deeper in our technical understanding and use

Our ELSIE annual meeting is not only the place to share site experiences, this is also a place to improve our skills !
Thanks to our training partner Omicron and their top trainers Thomas Renaudin and Mohammad Djamalil-Ayli we got

A particularly attractive annual meeting this year !

After sharing its vision and objectives, ELSIE had the pleasure to organize, with a full sanitary compliance, technical workshops applied to our high voltage expertise ! We warmly thank all our employees

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Wait no longer, come and join a group of experts from the world of electrical power transmission and distribution !

Head office

Chemin du Vernay, 14A

Tel. + 41 22 960 58 75
Mail. contact@elsiegroup.com